You are 10 marketing decisions away from being profitable.
Get the right directions to grow faster.
Business description*
Target audience*
πΊπΈ English (USA)
Generate FREE Business Plan
5,519 business plans already generated
How it works
Step 1. Describe your business
We need 3 inputs.
- Business description (What is your product and how does it work?) - Target audience (What segment of customers do you want to target?) - Language (What's the desired language of a report?)
The more details you provide, the better the business plan will be.
Step 2. Get your business plan
After 10 seconds, you will get a unique and personalized business plan with 10 elements.
- Segment (Underserved audience segment that needs your product) - Problem (Annoying issue that your product should solve) - Positioning (Value proposition of your product) - Differentiation (Unique angle of your product's positioning) - Status-quo (Nemesis that your product will fight) - Competitors (Alternative solutions that will compete with your product) - Activation (A-ha moment so people can connect with your product) - Pricing (Monetization model to get profitable faster) - Traction (Marketing idea to get the first paying customer) - Scale (Marketing idea to get the first 1000 paying customers)
Every part of your business plan can be used to sharpen your marketing strategy. From value proposition to MVP's product flow.
Step 3. Get 9 experiment ideas
Having a business plan is a good start. Let's make it more actionable.
- 3 Positioning experiments (How can you pivot your product's value proposition?) - 3 User Acquisition Experiments (How can you pivot your distribution strategy?) - 3 Conversion Experiments (How can you pivot your marketing funnel?)
Test at least 1 of these experiments in your next marketing week. Grow your business with clarity.